An eligible educational institution such as Universal Technical Institute is required by the IRS to furnish a Form 1098-T to report tuition and related expenses for each student who enrolls in the institution. The student or the person who claims the student as a dependent (e.g., the parent) may use the Form 1098-T information to claim a tax credit or take a deduction on his income tax return.
It's easy! Just log in to access your account at https://tra.maximus.com/. If you do not have an existing account with Vangent from last year, please set up your account using the following instructions:
- Click on "First Time Students"
- Set up your account according to the instructions. You can set up your account using either your SSN or student ID information.
- After retrieving your 1098-T online, you may print as many duplicate copies as desired.
- Once you set up your account, Form 1098-T information is available to you on the website year-round.
Form 1098-T is ready to be downloaded electronically in early January of each year, for all eligible current and former students with enrollment activity in the prior calendar year. UTI uses Vangent TRA, a tax reporting service, to provide Form 1098-T to our students. Unless a student opts for electronic receipt of the 1098-T, the form will be mailed in the last week of January to the default mailing address in UTI’s student database.
If you do not opt for electronic receipt of the form prior to the last week of January, your 1098-T will be mailed during the last week of January to the default mailing address shown in UTI’s student database.
Yes. You may access the Vangent TRA site at http://tra.vangent.com/ anytime during the year and set up your account.
There are several possibilities:
- You are a non-resident international student. Per IRS rules, if you are a non-resident international student, your information was not reported to the IRS and you will not be issued a form 1098-T.
- UTI does not have your correct SSN in our database. Please call the accounting department at the campus you attend to verify your SSN.
- UTI did not receive your tuition payments during the year.
Tuition payments received by UTI from ANY sources during the year.
Tuition waivers, UTI Internal Scholarships and articulation discounts.
Grants and scholarships, except for UTI Internal Scholarships, are included in Box 5. The amount of scholarships or grants may reduce the amount of any allowable tuition and fees deduction or the education credit the student may claim for the year.
Either the student or the person who claims the student as a dependent (e.g., the parent), but not both, may claim the tax credit or take the deduction. For more details, please see IRS Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Education.
No, it is not necessary to submit a copy of the form with your taxes.
Yes. Loan funds should be considered in the same manner as cash payments when calculating a tax credit or the tax deduction. However, any scholarships, grants or other non-taxable aid must be deducted from the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses paid.
The resources listed below contain information that may help individuals determine eligibility for tax credits:
- Call TRA website assistance at 1-800-223-0043
- IRS Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Education
- IRS Education Credits Form (Form 8863)