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April 21

Professional Judgment

Professional Judgment

Special circumstances can affect a student’s financial aid situation, including a change in family circumstances, traumatic events or reductions in income that may occur while the student is enrolled at Universal Technical Institute. This may result in the need to clarify the student’s situation with the Financial Aid office.

A Financial Aid professional may exercise professional judgment to account for circumstances that he/she feels have not been adequately considered in the original Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In addition, a Financial Aid professional may increase the “Cost of Attendance” to account for extraordinary expenses a student might acquire while attending UTI.

Conditions that may merit professional judgment:

  • Special circumstances
  • Cost of attendance increase
  • Dependency status appeal

A request for Professional Judgment (Special Circumstances) consideration does not guarantee the receipt of new or additional financial aid. For more information, please contact your campus Financial Aid office.