Next Start

April 21



Take 60 seconds and find out how you can get trained.


We want to make sure UTI is the right fit for your goals. Once you decide this is the place to start training, there are some requirements to cover to make sure you are eligible to attend our trade school. Review those requirements below then speak with an Admissions Representative to answer your questions.

How old do I need to be to apply to Universal Technical Institute?

To be eligible for enrollment, a prospective student must be at least 16 years of age. Please note that all students enrolling under the age of 18 require a parent or guardian to execute the Enrollment Agreement.

Admission Procedures and Entrance Requirements

The school determines, with reasonable certainty and in advance of class start date, that the applicant has proper qualifications to complete training. Each Enrollment Agreement and other pertinent information submitted by the applicant will be reviewed prior to starting classes.

All students, upon acceptance of an Enrollment Agreement, are conditionally admitted to UTI. The conditional status remains until the student's documentation is judged acceptable. Allowing adequate lead time (ideally 30 days minimum) for both evaluation of the document(s) submitted and an alert regarding any deficiency prior to any planned relocation to attend school is highly advised.


To comply with the school's entrance requirements prior to starting or re-enrolling, students must supply and UTI must accept one of the following documents:

  • Standards-based high school diploma recognized by the student's state (documented with a copy of the diploma, a transcript provided by the high school or a DD Form 214 showing verification of high school graduation). Diplomas and transcripts are evaluated upon receipt. UTI evaluates diplomas for validity and reserves the right not to accept those deemed invalid. Note: Students who attend NASCAR Tech are required to submit copies of their high school transcripts rather than copies of their high school diplomas to satisfy admissions requirements; or
  • State-issued GED or state-authorized equivalent exam. Students attending NASCAR Tech are required to submit copies of their GED transcripts rather than copies of their certification to satisfy admissions requirements; or
  • Successful completion of a degree program at the postsecondary level (associate degree and beyond proven by submission of a transcript from the college); or
  • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours that does not result in the awarding of an associate's degree (proven by submission of a transcript from the college).
  • Successful completion of an officially recognized home schooling program. The home schooling documentation required by UTI for review varies based on state requirements. If home schooling was completed in a state that issues a secondary school completion credential, a copy of the credential is required. If the state has no such requirements, additional documentation — including a transcript showing all courses, grades and graduation date, and a signed statement — must be submitted for review. The campus Registrar or designee will review home school documents and notify the applicant if further documentation is required.


Students possessing a certificate of high school completion (i.e., completed all courses but did not pass all state standards-based requirements such as testing), or high school diploma or transcript indicating the student earned a special education diploma that did not meet all of the state standards-based requirements must provide a copy of a state-issued GED or state-authorized equivalent exam prior to starting class.


Foreign education documents from outside the United States or its territories that cannot immediately be confirmed as valid proof of high school completion by a college official must be submitted for assessment with a third-party evaluation agency at the prospective student's expense.


In addition to the general Admissions Procedures/ Entrance Requirements provided above, applicants for Cummins Engines and Cummins Power Generation programs must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. Be a UTI or NASCAR Tech graduate, or a UTI or NASCAR Tech student who has no more than 10 courses remaining in his or her current UTI or NASCAR Tech program;
  2. Have a valid motor vehicle record (MVR);
  3. Have no current MVR convictions of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; and
  4. Complete a personal interview with the Advanced Training Manager. (For Cummins Engines and Cummins Power Generation, applicants instead will meet with the campus Student Development Advisor.) Only an applicant who meets requirements 1 through 3 will be eligible for an interview.

Satisfying all admissions requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. If the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of available spots, the institution will select the most qualified applicants based upon GPA, attendance and interview responses.


A GED or state-authorized equivalent exam is not required for students who do not enroll in a full, approved program. If a student chooses to later enroll in a full program, all admissions requirements listed above must be satisfied.


As a condition of enrollment, Universal Technical Institute, Inc. (“UTI”) requires each student to sign an enrollment agreement containing a binding arbitration provision. The full arbitration provision can be found here in the Admissions section of the campus catalog. Under the arbitration provision, each student and UTI agree to resolve through binding and mandatory arbitration any dispute between the student and UTI or any current or former employee(s) of UTI. Arbitration is the referral of a dispute to an impartial person (an arbitrator) for a final and binding determination of the dispute. In agreeing to binding and mandatory arbitration, the parties voluntarily give up certain rights, including the right to pursue a dispute in court, the right to a trial by a judge or jury, rights to appeal, and other rights that may be available in a court, such as broader discovery rights. As provided by the arbitration provision, the parties also give up the right to bring or participate in any class action, collective action, private attorney general action, or any other type of action or proceeding in which anyone acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity on behalf of others. If you have any questions about this arbitration provision or the arbitration process, please contact Student Services. UTI cannot require the student to participate in arbitration or any internal dispute resolution process offered by UTI prior to filing a borrower defense to repayment application with the U.S. Department of Education pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § 685.206(e); UTI cannot, in any way, require the student to limit, relinquish, or waive his or her ability to pursue filing a borrower defense claim, pursuant to § 685.206(e) at any time; and any arbitration required by this pre-dispute arbitration agreement tolls the limitations period for filing a borrower defense to repayment application pursuant to § 685.206(e)(6)(ii).


Reach out to our Admissions team today.