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April 7


Love Toyota? Steven of Lexus of Lakeway Has Insights For You

"If you'll just buckle down and learn as much as you can, show up every day on time, finish all your assignments at UTI, have great attendance, you're going to be successful (as a student). "

Steven Witt, a passionate professional at Lexus of Lakeway, shares his incredible journey and insights into the automotive industry.

"I started in the industry when I was a kid," he recalls, fondly remembering a photo of himself pumping gas at a full-service station on his first day of kindergarten.

Steven seized the opportunity to purchase his first service station, a venture that lasted 24 years and expanded to include several other stations.

Hiring the Right Talent

At Lexus of Lakeway, a full-service Lexus dealership in Texas, Steven is dedicated to finding quality individuals who aspire to build a lasting automotive career. In his role, he often looks for and recruits skilled technicians to join his dealership.

“I'm looking for the quality person that wants to make this a career and wants to grow,” he explains. “And then I want to support them and provide everything they need to get to whatever level they want to be at."

For Steven, UTI is a vital source in finding skilled automotive techs.1

"UTI is my No. 1 go-to," he states confidently. "All of those students that go through the Toyota course have definitely got a leg up.”

The institution not only trains students on essential auto skills, but also offers specialized programs for hyper-focused training on a specific brand.

Specialized Training in Toyota at UTI

For enthusiasts of Toyota and Lexus, UTI offers the Toyota Professional Automotive Technician (TPAT)  program. After graduating from core Automotive Technology training, this program takes students to the next level as they hyperfocus on this brand to become prepared for life at Toyota dealerships.

This hands-on program isn't just about turning wrenches; it's about engaging with the latest advancements in Toyota's vehicle technology. Students get the thrill of working directly with tools and diagnostic equipment that mimic the real-world scenarios encountered in the field.

Dealerships can be eager to see TPAT training on a resume because it signifies a candidate with a robust skill set and a reputable educational background, as Steven tells us. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of today's automotive industry, ensuring students are well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges. This training translates directly to increased efficiency and effectiveness on the job, making TPAT graduates sought by dealerships like Lexus of Lakeway.

Ready to Start Your Automotive Career Training? Here’s Steven’s Advice.

Steven's advice to aspiring technicians who are interested in pursuing a training program is simple yet effective: "If you'll just buckle down and learn as much as you can, show up every day on time, finish all your assignments at UTI, have great attendance, you're going to be successful."

Are you ready to embark on a new journey training for the automotive industry? Discover more about how UTI can help you pave the path toward a career you can be passionate about! You can learn more about Automotive training in our Programs page.


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