Frequently Asked Questions
There are no charges to access the online content. You can use your UTI email to access the online courses in Blackboard Ultra. All you need is a computer or mobile device with online access.
Yes. You'll be able to access the instructor-led online component of your training in Blackboard Ultra 24/7.
Students are graded on academic progress, which is the foundation for attendance/participation in the online component of the course. Lab attendance/participation is based on quiz and lab assignment completion. Students will earn online attendance credit by completing at least one full assignment in Blackboard Ultra.
The time spent each day is variable based on enrolled program and complexity of the courses. The student’s learning style, industry experience, previous learning, skill and ability, study habits, and motivation contribute to the time dedicated to complete the online component. We also encourage students to review additional material and resources that are available online to supplement their learning. UTI believes the range of daily work would be up to three (3) hours, with an average of approximately two (2) hours each day.
You can work with the Education and Student Services teams at your campus to get access to the Learning Resource Center for access to the internet. Access will be dependent on guidance from health officials to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. Also, there are many businesses that offer free WiFi. Please reach out to your Student Services representative to discuss the best options for you. Please click here for campus contact information: We’re here to help you!
Yes. Blackboard Ultra simply requires a web browser (preferably Google Chrome) with access to WiFi or any Internet connection. It is highly recommended to use the web browser versus the Blackboard app to access all of the course content.
Yes. Blackboard Ultra is compatible with most operating systems. However, it is recommended that your access your online training using the Google Chrome browser.
The online course content will consist of recorded instructor lectures, instructor classroom demonstrations and instructor-led lab demonstrations. The courses will allow for live interaction with the instructor through on-campus labs and scheduled tutoring sessions.
- Avondale: 623-245-4600
- Houston: 281-443-6262 – press 0 and ask for Education
- Lisle: 630-529-2662
- Rancho Cucamonga: 909-484-1929
- Exton: 610-646-8551
- Sacramento: 916-263-9100 – press 7 for Education
- NASCAR Tech: 704-658-1950
- MMI Phoenix: 623-869-9644
- Orlando: 407-240-2422 – press 0 and ask for Education
- Dallas Fort Worth: 972-505-2200
- Long Beach: 562-541-7000
- Bloomfield: 973-866-2297
Technical Support
If you need technical support with your UTI student email account, please contact our support team at (877) 340-4447. If you have already set up your UTI email account but have forgotten the password, please click this link. If you have not set up your UTI student email, you will find set-up instructions here.
Technical Support Hours
- Mon-Thu: 5:00 AM (PST) - 7:00 PM (PST)
- Fri: 5:00 AM (PST) - 5:00 PM (PST)